Between November 4 and 8, 2024, the Lisbon Congress Center will host the first Tropical Summit, an event that will bring together leaders from around the world to address the most pressing tropical challenges.
Organized by the Colégio Tropical of the University of Lisbon, whose Director is Ana Ribeiro, a Forest Research Centre (CEF) member, and by the Fórum para a Investigação Agrícola em África – FARA, the Tropical Summit 2024 has the High Patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic and the support of Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P..
This event aims not only to stimulate dialogue between all those who contribute to the sustainable development of tropical regions, but also to co-create tangible solutions capable of meeting the goals of the 2030 Agenda in the foreseeable future. Whether you are a manager, an entrepreneur, a researcher, a member of a non-governmental organization, a worker in the social or cultural sector or a student, everyone is invited to take part in the Tropical Summit 2024.
Follow all the news about the event and register on the official website tropicalsummit2024.com.