Scientific Articles (ISI)
Alves A., Graça J., Rodrigues J. (2022)
Analytical pyrolysis as a tool to assess residual lignin content and structure in Maritime Pine high-yield pulp
Forests, 13(12): 2169. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f13122169
Alves A., Rodrigues J.C. (2022)
Correlation between lignin content and syringyl-to-guaiacyl (S/G) ratio of Eucalyptus globulus wood
Holzforschung, 76(9): 791-798. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2021-0119
Razafimahatratra A.R., Ramananantoandro T., Nourrissier-Mountou S., Ekomono C.G.M., Rodrigues J.C., Mevanarivo Z.E., Chaix G. (2022)
Multispecies, multisite, multi-age PLS regression models of chemical properties of eucalypts wood using Fourier Transformed near-Infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 42(6): 419 – 434. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02773813.2022.2115073
Simões R., Alves A., Pathauer P.S., Palazzini D.A., Marcuci-Poltri S.N., Rodrigues J. (2022)
Prediction of the extractives content of Eucalyptus globulus wood using NIR-based PLS-R models. Influence of spectral range and preprocessing on the percentage of outliers detected
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02773813.2022.2096072
Alves A., Hevia A., Simões R., Majada J., Alia R., Rodrigues J.C. (2020)
Improving spatial synchronization between X-ray and near-infrared spectra information to predict wood density profiles
Wood Science and Technology, 54: 1151-1164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00226-020-01207-z
Alves A., Simões R., Lousada J.L., Lima-Brito J., Rodrigues J. (2020)
Predicting the lignin H/G ratio of Pinus sylvestris L. wood samples by PLS-R models based on near-infrared spectroscopy
Holzforschung, 74(7). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2019-0186
Dias A., Carvalho A., Silva M.E., Lima-Brito J., Gaspar M.J., Alves A., Rodrigues J.C., Pereira F., Morais J., Lousada J.L. (2020)
Physical, chemical and mechanical wood properties of Pinus nigra growing in Portugal
Annals of Forest Science, 77(3): 72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-020-00984-8
Tomás D., Coelho L.P., Rodrigues J.C., Viegas W., Silva M. (2020)
Assessment of four Portuguese wheat landrace diversity to cope with global warming
Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 594977. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.594977
Tomás D., Rodrigues J.C., Viegas W., Silva M. (2020)
Assessment of high temperature effects on grain yield and composition in bread wheat commercial varieties
Agronomy, 10(4): 499. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10040499
Alves A., Santos S., Simões R., Rodrigues J.C. (2018)
Characterization of residual lignin in cellulose isolated by the diglyme method from three Pinus species by IR spectroscopy and analytical pyrolysis
Holzforschung, 72(2): 91-96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2017-0031
Ployet R., Soler M., Carocha V., Ladouce N., Alves A., Rodrigues J.C., Harvengt L., Marque C., Teulières C., Grima-Pettenati J., Mounet F. (2018)
Long cold exposure induces transcriptional and biochemical remodelling of xylem secondary cell wall in Eucalyptus
Tree Physiology, 38(3): 409-422. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpx062
Antunes C., Mendes R., Lima A., Barros G., Fields P., Da Costa L.B., Rodrigues J.C., Silva M.J., Correia A.M., Carvalho M.O. (2016)
Resistance of rice varieties to the stored-product insect, Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Journal of Economic Entomology, 109(1):445-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/tov260
Machado J., Santos S., Pinho F.F.S., Fábio L., Alves A., Simões R., Rodrigues J.C. (2016)
Impact of high moisture conditions on serviceability performance of wood plastic decks
Materials & Design, 103:122-131.
Pacheco A.P., Claro J., Fernandes P.M., de Neufville R., Oliveira T.M., Borges J.G., Rodrigues J.C. (2015)
Cohesive fire management within an uncertain environment: a review of risk handling and decision support systems
Forest Ecology and Management, 347: 1-17.
Pizzo B., Pecoraro E., Alves A., Macchioni N., Rodrigues J.C. (2015)
Quantitative evaluation by attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy of the chemical composition of decayed wood preserved in waterlogged conditions
Talanta, 131: 14-20.
Gaspar M.J., Alves A., Louzada J.L., Morais J., Santos A., Fernandes C., Almeida M.H., Rodrigues J.C. (2011)
Genetic variation of chemical and mechanical traits of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton). Correlations with wood density components
Annals of Forest Science, 68(2):255-265.
Paiva J.A.P., Garnier-Gere P.H., Rodrigues J.C., Alves A., Santos S., Graca J., Le Provost G., Chaumeil P., Silva-Perez D., Bosc A., Fevereiro P., Plomion C. (2008)
Plasticity of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) wood-forming tissues during a growing season
New Phytologist, 179 (4): 1080-1094.
Alves A., Santos A., Silva-Perez D, Rodrigues J.C., Pereira H., Simões R., Schwanninger M. (2007)
NIR PLSR model selection for Kappa number prediction of maritime pine kraft pulps
Wood Science and Technology, 41(6): 491-499.
Silva-Perez D., Guillemain A., Alazard P., Plomion C., Rozemberg P., Rodrigues J., Alves A., Chantre G. (2007)
Improvement of Pinus pinaster wood elite trees selection by combining near infrared spectroscopy and genetic tools
Holzforschung, 61: 611-622.
Sousa-Correia C., Alves A., Rodrigues J., Ferreira-Dias S., Abreu J.M., Maxted N., Ford-Lloyd B., Schwanninger M. (2007)
Oil content estimation of single kernel of Quercus sp. acorns by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least squares regression (PLSR)
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 15: 247-260.
Alves A., Schwanninger M., Pereira H., Rodrigues J. (2006)
Analytical pyrolysis: A direct method to determine the lignin content in wood. Part 1: Comparison of Py-lignin with the Klason lignin method
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 76: 209-213 .
Alves A., Schwanninger M., Pereira H., Rodrigues J. (2006)
Calibration of NIR to assess lignin composition (H/G ratio) in Maritime pine wood using analytical pyrolysis as the reference method
Holzforschung, 60: 29-31..
Rodrigues J., Alves A., Pereira H., Silva-Perez D., Chantre G., Schwanninger M. (2006)
NIR PLSR results obtained by calibration with noisy, low-precision reference values: Are the results acceptable?
Holzforschung, 60: 402-408.
Rodrigues J., Nascimento A.C., Alves A., Osório N.M., Pires A.S., Gusmão J.H., Fonseca M.M.R., Ferreira-Dias S. (2005)
Calibration of near infrared spectroscopy for solid fat content of fat blends analysis using nuclear magnetic resonance data
Analytica Chimica Acta, 574: 213-218.
Book Chapters
Rodrigues J., Lousada J., Alves A., Simões R. (2014)
Características químicas da madeira de Pinus Sylvestris L.
In: Pinheiro silvestre em Portugal: O extremo sudoeste ou apenas o fim? Editors: J. Lima-Brito, J Lousada, J Bento. Eds., pp 36-37.
Pereira, H., Graça, J., Rodrigues, J.C. (2003)
Wood chemistry in relation to quality
In: Wood quality and its biological basis. J.R. Barnett, G. Jeronimidis Eds. CRC Press, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, Cap. 3, pp. 53-83.
RN21 – Inovação na Fileira da Resina Natural para Reforço da Bioeconomia Nacional
RN21 – Inovação na Fileira da Resina Natural para Reforço da Bioeconomia Nacional
Duration: 2022-2025
CEF Budget: 215,916 €
Selección acelerada de Eucalyptus para bioenergia de los programas de mejoramiento forestal del MERCOSUR
Duration: 2016-2017
CEF Budget: 66.738 €
Avaliação probabilística de estruturas de madeira em serviço
Duration: 2016-2019
CEF Budget: 37.158 €