
Forest entomology; pest control; population ecology; stone pine; insect biodiversity.


New CEF paper presents the results of a fertirrigation experiment on grafted stone pine trees
New CEF paper presents the results of a fertirrigation experiment on grafted stone pine trees
“Fertirrigation in grafted Pinus pinea L. trees: denser crowns but no effect on cone production … Read More


Scientific Articles (ISI)

Correia A. C., Farinha A., Silva J.E.P., Nunes A., Conceição N., Marcelo M. E., Sarmento A., Tomé M., Soares J., Fontes L. (2024)

Fertirrigation in grafted Pinus pinea L. trees: denser crowns but no effect on cone production or masting cycles

Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 569, 122164. DOI:

Farinha A.O., Carvalho C., Correia A.C., Branco M. (2021)

Impact assessment of Leptoglossus occidentalis in Pinus pinea: integrating population density and seed loss

Forest Ecology and Management, 496: 119422. DOI:

Lesieur V., Farinha A.O. (2021)

Responses of native egg parasitoids to the invasive seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 23(3): 323-333. DOI:

Farinha A.C.O., Silva J.E.P., Correia A.C., Sousa E.M.R., Roques A., Branco M. (2018)

Is Leptoglossus occidentalis entirely responsible for the high damage observed on cones and seeds of Pinus pinea? Results from a fertirrigation trial in Portugal.

Forest Ecology and Management, 429: 198-206.

Farinha A.O., Branco M., Pereira M., Auger-Rozenberg M-A., Mauricio A., Yart A., Guerreiro V., Sousa E., Roques A. (2018)

Micro X-ray computed tomography suggests cooperative feeding among adult invasive bugs Leptoglossus occidentalis on mature seeds of stone pine Pinus pinea.

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 20(1): 18-27.

Farinha A.O., Durpoix C., Valente S., Sousa E., Roques A., Branco M. (2018)

The stone pine, Pinus pinea L., a new highly rewarding host for the invasive Leptoglossus occidentalis.

Neobiota, 41: 1-18.

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Gestão integrada de agentes bióticos associados à perda de produção do pinhão

Duration: 2018-2022

CEF Budget: 92.828 €