Artigos Científicos (ISI)
Rivaes R.P., Feio M. J., Almeida S. F. P., Calapez A. R., Sales M., Gebler D., Lozanovska I., Aguiar F.C. (2022)
River ecosystem endangerment from climate-changed regulated flow regimes
Science of the Total Environment, 818: 151857. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151857
Rivaes R.P., Feio M.J., Almeida S.F.P., Vieira C., Calapez A.R., Mortágua A., Gebler D., Lozanovska I., Aguiar F.C. (2021)
Multi-biologic group analysis for an ecosystem response to longitudinal river regulation gradients
Science of the Total Environment, 767: 144327. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144327
Lozanovska I., Bejarano M.D., Martins M.J., Nilsson C., Ferreira M.T., Aguiar F.C. (2020)
Functional diversity of riparian woody vegetation is less affected by river regulation in the Mediterranean than Boreal Region
Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 857. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00857
Lozanovska I., Rivaes R., Vieira C., Ferreira M.T., Aguiar F.C. (2020)
Streamflow regulation effects in the Mediterranean rivers: How far and to what extent are aquatic and riparian communities affected?
Science of the Total Environment, 749: 141616. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141616
Lozanovska I., Ferreira M.T., Aguiar F.C. (2018)
Functional diversity assessment in riparian forests – multiple approaches and trends: a review.
Ecological Indicators, 95(1): 781-793.
Lozanovska I., Ferreira M.T., Segurado P., Aguiar F.C. (2018)
Limited resilience in hotspots of functional richness: the Mediterranean riparian shrublands.
Aquatic Sciences, 80: 25.
Krohn J., Lozanovska I., Kuzyakov Y., Parvin S., Dorodnikov M. (2017)
CH4 and CO2 production below two contrasting peatland micro-relief forms: an inhibitor and δ13C study
Science of the Total Environment, 586: 142-151.
Capítulos de Livros
RIVEAL: Valores e serviços dos ecossistemas fluviais e das florestas ripárias em paisagens fluviais alteradas e futuros climáticos incertos
Duração: 2018-2022
Orçamento CEF: 180979,88 €