Artigos Científicos (ISI)
Carneiro A.C.O., Zanuncio A.J., Carvalho A.G., Jorge J.A.C.G., Santos R.J.C., Demuner I.F., Peres L.C., Winter S.G., Castro V.R., Branco-Vieira M., Araújo S.O. (2025)
Sustainable Production of Coffee Husk Pellets: Applying Circular Economy in Waste Management and Renewable Energy Production
Resources, 14(2): 26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/resources14020026
Godinho D., Lourenço A., Araújo S.O., Ferreira C., Machado J.S., Nunes L., Duarte M., Duarte S., Quilhó T., Diamantino T., Gominho J. (2025)
Assessment of weathering and subterranean termite resistance in three thermally modified wood species in Portugal
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 83: 40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00107-024-02199-4
Godinho D., Ferreira C., Lourenço A., Araujo S.O., Quilhó T., Diamantino T.C., Gominho J. (2024)
Behavior of thermally modified wood after exposure in maritime/industrial and urban environments
Heliyon, 10(3): e25020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25020
Carneiro A.C.O., Carvalho A.M.M.L., Freitas T.P., Demuner I.F., Carvalho A.L., Guimarães D. P. S., Araujo S.O., Castro V.R., Zanuncio A.J.V. (2023)
FTIR spectroscopy and technological characterization of heat treated Fraxinus excelsior wood
Cerne, 29: e-103264. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/01047760202329013264
da Silva W.M., Zanuncio A.J.V., Carvalho A.G., de Castro V.R., Carneiro A.C.O., Araújo S.O. (2023)
Drying of eucalyptus logs from plantations with different spacing between trees
BioResources, 18(1): 1177-1184. . URL: https://ojs.cnr.ncsu.edu/index.php/BRJ/article/view/22200
de Lima N.N., de Castro V.R., Lopes N.F., Nunes Í.L., Andrade F.A., Zanuncio A.J.V., Carneiro A.O. C., Araujo S.O. (2023)
Tannin extracts as a preservative for pine thermo-mechanically densified wood
BioResources, 18(1): 641-652. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15376/biores.18.1.641-652 URL: https://bioresources.cnr.ncsu.edu/resources/tannin-extracts-as-a-preservative-for-pine-thermo-mechanically-densified-wood/
Lima L.V.L., de Castro V.R., Surdi P.G., Zanuncio A.J.V., Zanuncio J.C., Carneiro A.C.O., Gominho J., Araújo S.O. (2023)
Properties of Pinus sp. pellets prepared after in-line pre-compaction with torrefaction
BioResources, 18(2):3440-3451. URL: https://bioresources.cnr.ncsu.edu/resources/properties-of-pinus-sp-pellets-prepared-after-in-line-pre-compaction-with-torrefaction/
Surdi P.G., Castro V.R., Lima N.N., Portilho G.R., Lopes N.F., Andrade F.A., Zanuncio A.J.V., Zanuncio J.C., Carneiro A.C.O., Araújo S.O. (2023)
Resistance of Untreated and Torrefied Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) Residues to Xylophage Fungi.
Forests, 14(2): 307. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020307
Bianche J.J., Carneiro A.D.C.O., Vitala B.R., Andrade B.G.D., Gomes R.M., Araújo S.D.O., Souza E.C.D. (2022)
Improving the understanding of wood bonding: behavior of different adhesives on the surface of eucalyptus and pine wood
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 112: 102987. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2021.102987
de Castro V.R., Surdi P.G., Fernandes S.A., Berger M.S., Zanuncio A.J.V., Zanuncio J.C., Araujo S.O. (2022)
Chemical composition of heartwood and sapwood of Tectona grandis characterized by CG/MS-PY
Scientific Reports, 12: 18441.. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22800-1
Zanuncio A.J.V., Costa E.A., Carvalh, A. G., de Castro, V.R., Carneiro A.C.O., Araújo S.O. (2022)
Artificial intelligence and colorimetry as a combined non-destructive method to predict properties of heat-treated wood.
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 56 (9-10): 941-948. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35812/cellulosechemtechnol.2022.56.84
Araújo S.O., Peres R.S., Barata J., Lidon F.C., Ramalho J.C. (2021)
Characterising the agriculture 4.0 landscape – emerging trends, challenges and opportunities
Agronomy, 11(4): 667. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11040667
Godinho D., Araújo S.O., Quilhó T., Diamantino T., Gominho J. (2021)
Thermally modified wood exposed to different weathering conditions: a review
Forests, 12(10): 1400. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f12101400
Surdi P.G., Siqueira H.F., De Castro V.R., Zanúncio A.J., Zanuncio J.C., Berger M.S., Martins F.D.R., Carneiro A.C.O., Gominho J., Araújo S.O. (2021)
Quality of Pinus sp. pellets with kraft lignin and starch addition
Scientific Reports, 11: 4899. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-84296-5
Lourenço A., Araújo S., Gominho J., Evtuguin D. (2020)
Cellulose structural changes during mild torrefaction of eucalyptus wood
Polymers, 12(12): 2831. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12122831
Lourenço A., Araújo S., Gominho J., Pereira H., Evtuguin D. (2020)
Structural changes in lignin of thermally treated eucalyptus wood
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 40(4): 258-268. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02773813.2020.1769674
Portilho G.R., de Castro V.R., Carneiro A.D.O., Zanuncio J.C., Zanuncio A.J.V., Surdi P.G., Gominho J., Araújo S. (2020)
Potential of briquette produced with torrefied agroforestry biomass to generate energy
Forests, 11(12): 1272. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f11121272
Surdi P.G., Castro V.R.d., Lima N.N., Portilho G.R., Lopes N.F., Andrade F.A., Zanuncio A.J.V., Zanuncio J.C., Carneiro A.d.C.O., Araújo S.d.O (2020)
Resistance of Untreated and Torrefied Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) Residues to Xylophage Fungi
Forests, 14(2): 307. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020307
Leitão S.T., Ferreira E., Bicho M.C., Alves M.L., Pintado D., Santos D., Mendes-Moreira P., Araújo S.S., Costa J.M., Vaz Patto M.C. (2019)
Maize open-pollinated populations physiological improvement: validating xtools for drought response participatory selection
Sustainability, 11(21): 6081.
Araújo S.D., Neiva D.M., Carneiro A.D., Esteves B., Pereira H. (2018)
Potential of mild torrefaction for upgrading the wood energy value of different eucalyptus species
Forests, 9(9): 535. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f9090535
Neiva D.M., Araújo S., Gominho J., Carneiro A.C., Pereira H. (2018)
Potential of Eucalyptus globulus industrial bark as a biorefinery feedstock: chemical and fuel characterization
Industrial Crops and Product, 123: 262-270. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.06.070
Neiva D.M., Araújo S., Gominho J., Carneiro A.C., Pereira H. (2018)
An integrated characterization of Picea abies industrial bark regarding chemical composition, thermal properties and polar extracts activity
PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0208270. DOI: https://10.1371/journal.pone.0208270
Araújo S.O., Neiva D.M., Gominho J., Esteves B., Pereira H. (2017)
Chemical effects of a mild torrefaction on the wood of eight Eucalyptus species
Holzforschung, 71(4): 291–298.
Silva C.M.S., Vital B.R., Carneiro A.C.O., Oliveira A.C., Araújo S.O., Magalhães M.A. (2017)
Energy properties of wood particles torrefied at different temperatures
Revista Árvore, 41(4): e410404.
Andrade P.I., Araújo S., Neiva D.M., Vital B.R., Carneiro A.D.O., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2016)
Strength properties and dimensional stability of particleboards with different proportions of thermally treated recycled pine particles
Holzforschung, 70(5): 467–474. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2015-0090
Araújo S., Boas M.A.V., Neiva D.M., Carneiro A.C., Vital B., Breguez M., Pereira H. (2016)
Effect of a mild torrefaction for production of eucalypt wood briquettes under different compression pressures
Biomass and Bioenergy, 90: 181-186.
Araújo S., Vital B., Oliveira B., Carneiro A.C.O, Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2016)
Physical and mechanical properties of heat treated wood from Aspidosperma populifolium, Dipteryx odorata and Mimosa scabrella
Maderas-Ciencia y Tecnologia, 18(1):143-156.
Neiva D., Fernandes L., Araújo S., Lourenço A., Gominho J., Simões R., Pereira H. (2015)
Chemical composition and kraft pulping potential of 12 eucalypt species
Industrial Crops and Products, 66: 89-95.
Pereira-Leal J.B., Abreu I.A., Alabaça C.S., Almeida M.H., Almeida P., Almeida T., Amorim M.I., Araújo S., Azevedo H., Badia A., Batista D., Bohn A., Capote T., Carrasquinho I., Chaves I., Coelho A.C., Costa M.M.R., Costa R., Cravador A., Egas C., Faro C., Fortes A.M., Fortunato A.S., Gaspar M.J., Gonçalves S., Graça J., Horta M., Inácio V., Leitão J.M., Lino-Neto T., Marum L., Matos J., Mendonça D., Miguel A., Miguel C.M., Morais-Cecílio L., Neves I., Nóbrega F., Oliveira M.M., Oliveira R., Pais M.S., Paiva J.A.P., Paulo O.S., Pinheiro M., Raimundo J.A.P., Ramalho J.C., Ribeiro A.I., Ribeiro T., Rocheta M., Rodrigues A.I., Rodrigues J., Saibo N.J.M., Santo T.E., Santos A.M., Sá-Pereira P., Sebastiana M., Simões F., Sobral R.S., Tavares R., Teixeira R., Varela C., Veloso M.M., Ricardo C.P.P. (2014)
A comprehensive assessment of the transcriptome of Cork oak (Quercus suber) through EST sequencing
BMC Genomics, 15: 371. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-15-371
Capítulos de Livros
Produção sustentável de café em sistema agroflorestal
Duração: 2024-2027
Orçamento CEF: 550 000 € €
Valorização de resíduos da indústria de MDF para produção de pellets torrificados
Duração: 2022-2023
Orçamento CEF: 49.922,05 €
Explorar a biomassa de Acacias: Uma forma de reduzir o risco de incêndios
Duração: 2020-2023
Orçamento CEF: 298.000 €
Innovative Eco-Construction System Based on Interlocking Modular Insulation Wood & Cork-Based Panels
Duração: 2020-2023
Orçamento CEF: 170.897,87 €