Organização: The Star Tree project e Llais y Goedwig – the community woodland network for Wales
Parceiro: Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Data: 27 de Maio :: 10h00-17h00
Local: Parc Glynllinfon, Ffordd Clynnog, LL54 Caernarfon
The StarTree project and Llais y Goedwig are holding the FIRST EVER European fair celebrating the many varied initiatives making innovative use of wild forest products across Europe. It’s being held in Parc Glynllifon in North Wales, where a programme for the Fair will include a mix of presentations, workshops, practical demonstrations and a marketplace with opportunities to sample and buy wild forest products.
This event forms the second day of Llais y Goedwig Annual National Gathering and AGM. See http://llaisygoedwig.org.uk/book-now-2627-may-2016-national-gathering-community-woodlands-in-wales/