Open Call for applications for two research scholarships

The Forest Research Centre (CEF) of Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) is opening a tender for the attribution of a Research Scho

Open call for applications for a research scholarship - Project CLEANPELL

The Forest Research Centre (CEF) is opening a Scholarship of Research for students enrolled in a master's degree in the fiel

Open call for applications for scholarship - Project AQUADAPT

The Forest Research Centre (CEF) of Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) is opening a tender for the attribution of a Scholarship to PhD

Open call for applications for a research scholarship - Project Dammed Fish

The Forest Research Centre (CEF) of Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) is opening a tender for the attribution of a Scholarsh

Open Call for PhD Research Grant at Forest Research Centre – ISA/UL

The Forest Research Centre (CEF) of Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) is launching a call for a PhD Research Grant in the fields

Open call for applications for a scholarship on project Nobel

A call is now open for the attribution of a Research Scholarship under the project ForestVal/0001/2017 - NOBEL - New Busin

José Miguel Pereira is the new CEF Coordinator

The elections for the Coordination of the Forest Research Centre (CEF) took place on the 5th and 6th of July.
