Monitoring climate change impacts on Mediterranean-type vegetation of South Africa

Organização: CIBIO/InBio

Data: 19 setembro :: 14 horas

Local: Sala 40

Dr. Nicky Allsopp is the manager of the South African Environmental Observation Network – Fynbos node. The SAEON Fynbos Node forms part of the South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON), a business unit within the National Research Foundation. The Department of Science and Technology established SAEON as an institute to conduct long-term environmental observation and promote an informed and timely response to global change.

The Fynbos region on the tip of Africa has a Mediterranean-type climate and harbours plants and animals of immense diversity and distinctive character. The unique flora are best known and have led to this area being declared one of six floral kingdoms in the world.  The Cape Floral Region contains almost 9 000 plant species, and of these, two-thirds are found nowhere else.

Nicky started her research career in Fynbos with a focus on plant nutrition and especially arbuscular mycorrhizas. This was followed by a period of research in communal rangelands in South Africa with a specific focus on the Namaqualand region. She developed an interest over the years in the linkages between science and society. Since 2008 she is the coordinator of the SAEON fynbos node.

Nicky is coming to Lisbon to work with Francisco Moreira on the “100-questions for biodiversity conservation in Mediterranean type regions of the world” initiative. Her travel is supported by the Society for Conservation Biology – European Section.