Presentation day of the ALNUS Project
- Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Lisboa, Portugal)
- 19 Março, 2019
- Rodada de apresentações
- Programa
Online Workshop & Mid-term Meeting
- RIPARIAN FORESTS: Restoration perspectives under biotic, abiotic and social pressures
- 20 Janeiro, 2021
- Programa
- Workshop Proceedings Report
- Presentations (apenas para participantes)
Conference "Repaginar Rios e Ribeiras"
- Santarém, Portugal
- 15 Fevereiro, 2019
- Rodríguez-González, P.M., “Vegetação ribeirinha: desafios emergentes face às alterações globais" (apresentação oral)
- Evento
3rd Workshop on River Restoration and Management
- Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal
- 28 Fevereiro - 1 Março, 2019
- Gomes Marques, I., Solla, A., David, T. S., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Resilience of alder in response to global change stressors” (apresentação oral)
- Evento
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
- Viena, Itália
- 7 – 12 April 2019
- Rodríguez-González, P.M., Stella, J.C., Dufour, S., “Emerging global threats across life-history traits in major riparian trees under multiple stressors" (apresentação oral)
- Evento
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) 62nd ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM
- Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research
- University of Bremen, Alemanha
- 14 – 19 Julho, 2019
- Gomes Marques, I., Faria, C., Jansson R., Corcobado, T., Cech, T., Milanović, S., Laurent, Y., Bernez, I., Dufour, S., Mandák, B., Ennouni, H., Sahli A., Ater, M., Cacciola, S.O., Biurrun, I., David, T. S., Solla, A., Rodríguez-González, P. M.,“Variation of germination and seed morphometric traits between twelve Alnus glutinosa populations” (apresentação de poster)
- Evento
15th European Ecological Federation (EEF) Congress & 17th Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia (SPECO) meeting
- Ecology across borders. Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals
- Lisboa, Portugal
- 29 July – 2 August 2019
- Gomes Marques, I.M., Campelo, F., Rivaes, R., Albuquerque, A., Ferreira, M.T., Rodríguez-González, P.M., “Resistance and resilience responses of two co-existing riparian tree species to recurrent drought events in Southern Europe" (apresentação oral)
- Evento
9th Meeting International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
- Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems
- La Maddalena, Itália
- 17 – 25 Outubro, 2019
- Gomes Marques, I., Neno, J., Jansson R., Corcobado, T., Cech, T., Laurent, Y., Bernez, I., Dufour, S., Mandák, B., Ennouni, H., Sahli A., Ater, M., David, T. S,; Solla, A., Moreira, A.C., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Responses of Alnus glutinosa populations to different inoculations methods of P. xalni" (apresentação de poster)
- Evento
XIX Encontro Nacional de Ecologia (SPECO)
- Online (Portugal)
- 9– 12 Outubro 2020
- Gomes Marques, I., Albert, J., David, T. S., Solla, A., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Decay Effect on alder natural regeneration: seed and germination features” (apresentação oral)
- Vieites-Blanco, C., Gomes Marques, I., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Primeira avaliação do estado atual de declínio das florestas de amieiro de Norte a Sul de Portugal” (apresentação oral)
- Programa
Encontro Ciência 2020
- Online (Portugal)
- 3 – 4 Novembro 2020
- Gomes Marques, I., David, T. S., Solla, A., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Resilience of alder in response to global change stressors” (apresentação de poster)
- Evento
4th FLUVIO Workshop On River Restoration and Management
- Online (Portugal)
- 3 Fevereiro 2021
- Gomes Marques, I.“Resilience of alder in response to Global Change Stressors” (apresentação oral do plano de doutoramento)
SEFS 12 - Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
- Online
- 29 Julho 2021
- Gomes Marques, I., Barrento, M., Vieites-Blanco, C., Scotti, P., Semedo, J. N., Rodrigues, A. P., Solla, A., David, T. S., Rodríguez-González, P. “Predicting alder decline under multiple stress: combining heatwave and Phytophthora xalni” (apresentação de poster)
- Gomes Marques, I., Barrento, M., Vieites-Blanco, C., Scotti, P., Semedo, J. N., Rodrigues, A. P., Solla, A., David, T. S., Rodríguez-González, P. “Intraspecific differences of Alnus lusitanica traits between Mediterranean and Atlantic riparian populations” (apresentação de poster)
- Evento
SERE - 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration
- Online
- 8 September, 2021
- Vieites-Blanco, C., Gomes Marques, I., Cupertino, A., Caperta, A. D., Rodrigues, A. D., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Maternal effect of decay on alder regeneration in its Southern limit: prospects for passive restoration” (oral communication).
- Evento
RIPA-1 : First International Conference on Riparian Ecosystems Science and Management
- Bratislava, Slovakia
- 6 – 7 May, 2022
- Vieites-Blanco, C., Gomes Marques, I., Segurado, P., Jung, T., Almeida, H., Biurrun, I., Corcobado, T., Costa e Silva, F., Diez, J.J., Dufour, S., Faria, C., Ferreira, M.T., Ferreira, V., Jansson, R., Machado, H., Marçais, B., Moreira, C., Oliva, J., Pielech, R., Rodrigues, A., Soares David, T., Solla, A., Marques, M., Barrento, M.J., Fernandes, M.R., Cupertino, A., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Bayesian Networks and expert knowledge in riparian ecosystem management” (oral communication).
- Gomes Marques, I., Vieites-Blanco C., Barrento, M. J., Scotti, P., Semedo, J. N., Rodrigues, A. P., David, T. S., Solla, A., Rodríguez-González, P. M. “Ecotypic variation research to achieve functional targets in the conservation management of riparian forests” (oral communication)
- Book of abstracts
10th Meeting of the IUFRO Working Party 7.02.09: Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems
- Berkeley, EUA
- 19 – 25 June, 2022
- Gomes Marques, I., Vieites-Blanco, C., Barrento, M. J., Cupertino A., Rodrigues, A. P., Solla, A., David, T. S., Rodríguez-González, P. M., 2022. “Synergistic effect of a heat wave and Phytophthora xalni infection on alder species performance.” (oral communication)
- Evento
13th European Conference on Ecological Restoration
- Alicante, Spain
- 5 – 9 September, 2022
- Gomes Marques, I., Vieites-Blanco C.; Barrento, M. J.; Semedo, J. N.; Rodrigues, A. P.; Scotti-Campos, P.; Martín, M. A.; Solla, A.; David, T. S.; Rodríguez-González, P. M., 2022. “Marker-trait associations in Alnus species: from genotyping to riparian restoration decision-making“. (poster presentation)
- Abstract book
SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL LIFE ALNUS TAEJO "Restauro de ecossistemas ripícolas e engenharia natural"
- Colégio do Espírito-Santo, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
- 15 – 16 janeiro, 2025
- Gomes Marques, I., Vieites-Blanco C.; Albert, J.; Jung, T.; Solla, A.; David, T. S.; Rodríguez-González, P. M., 2025. “Phytophthora-induced decline in Iberian alder: distribution, resilience and management“. (apresentação oral)
- Link do evento
- Download apresentação
Organized Events
SERE – 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration
- Online
- Rodríguez-González, P. M., Dufour, S., Vieites-Blanco, C., Gomes Marques, I., 2021. Socio-ecological restoration of riparian vegetation by integrating biotic and abiotic pressures. 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, September 7-10, Online Workshop
- Evento
- Workshop Conclusion Report
Summer Event MEDfOR Master (Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources)
- Pieve Tesino, Itália
- 22 – 27 Julho, 2019
- Akhter, S. M. L., David, T. S., Rodríguez-González, P. M., “Effects of water stress on Alnus glutinosa populations across the species distribution range”. (Apresentação de tese de mestrado)
- Evento
Reunión sobre la mortalidad de alisos y Phytophthora alni
- Online (Espanha)
- 23 Outubro 2020
- Rodríguez-González, P.M., David, T.S., “Alder forests in Portugal: degradation drivers and genetic resources conservation” (apresentação oral)