Artigos científicos

Gomes Marques, I., Vieites-Blanco, C., Barrento, M. J., Semedo, J. N., Rodrigues, A. P., Scotti-Campos, P., Martín, M. A., Solla, A., David, T. S., Rodríguez-González, P. M. (2024) Phenotypic variation and genetic diversity in European Alnus species. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpae039,

Gomes Marques, I., Vieites-Blanco, C., Rodríguez-González, P. M., Segurado, P., Marques, M., Barrento, M. J., Fernandes, M. R., Cupertino, A., Almeida, H., Biurrun, I., Corcobado, T., Costa e Silva, F., Díez, J. J., Dufour, S., Faria, C., Ferreira, M. T., Ferreira, V., Jansson, R., Machado, H., Marçais, B., Moreira, A. C., Oliva, J., Pielech, R., Rodrigues, A. P., David, T. S., Solla, A., Jung, T. (2024) The ADnet Bayesian belief network for alder decline: Integrating empirical data and expert knowledge, Science of The Total Environment, 947, 173619.

Alimpić, F., Milovanović, J., Pielech, R., Hinkov, G., Jansson, R., Dufour, S., Beza, M., Bilir, N., del Blanco, L.S., Božič, G., Bruno, D., Chiarabaglio, P.M., Doncheva, N., Gültekin, Y.S., Ivanković, M., Kelly-Quinn, M., La Porta, N., Nonić, M., Notivol, E., Papastergiadou, E., Šijačić-Nikolić, M., Vietto, L., Villar, M., Zhelev, P. & Rodríguez-González, P.M. (2022). The status and role of genetic diversity of trees for the conservation and management of riparian ecosystems: A European experts’ perspective. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, 2476-2485.

Rodríguez‐González, P. M., Abraham, E., Aguiar, F., Andreoli, A., Baležentienė, L., Berisha, N., Bernez, I., Bruen, M., Bruno, D., Camporeale, C., Čarni, A., Chilikova-Lubomirova, M., Corenblit, D., Ćušterevska, R., Doody, T., England, J., Evette, A., Francis, R., Garófano-Gómez, V., González del Tánago, M., Gultekin, Y.S., Guyard, F., Hellsten, S., Hinkov, G., Jakubínský, J., Janssen, P., Jansson, R., Kail, J., Keles, E., Kelly-Quinn, M., Kidová, A., Kiss, T., Kulvik, M., La Porta, N., Laslier, M., Latella, M., Lorenz, S., Mandžukovski, D., Manolaki, P., Martinez-Fernández, V., Merritt, D., Michez, A., Milovanović, J., Okruszko,T., Papastergiadou, E., Penning,E., Pielech, E., Politti,E., Portela, A., Riis, T., Škvorc,Z., Slezák,M., Stammel, B., Stella, J., Stesevic, D., Stupar, V., Tammeorg, O., Tammeorg, P., Fosholt, T.M., Urbanič, G., Villar, M., Vogiatzakis, J., Vrchovsky, P., Yousefpour, R., Zinke, P., Zlatanov, T. & Dufour, S. (2022). Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water9(5), e1604.

Gomes Marques, I., Solla, A., David T. S., Rodríguez González P. M. & Garbelotto M. (2022). Response of two riparian woody plants to Phytophthora species and drought. Forest Ecology and Management, 518, ISSN 0378-1127,

Gomes Marques, I., Faria, C., Conceição, S.I.R., Jansson, R., Corcobado, T., MilanoviĆ, S., Laurent, Y., Bernez, I., Dufour, S., Mandák, B., Ennouni, H., Sahli, A., Ater, M., Dorado, F.J., Caperta, A.D., David, T.S., Solla, A. & Rodríguez-González, P.M. (2021). Germination and seed traits in common alder (Alnus spp.): The potential contribution of rear-edge populations to ecological restoration success. Restoration Ecology, e13517.

Arsénio, P., Rodríguez-González, P.M., Bernez, I., S. Dias, F., Bugalho, M.N. & Dufour, S. (2020). Riparian vegetation restoration: Does social perception reflect ecological value? River Research and Applications, 36, 907-920.

Gomes Marques I., Campelo F., Rivaes R., Albuquerque A., Ferreira M. T. & Rodríguez-González P. M. (2018). Tree rings reveal long-term changes in growth resilience in Southern European riparian forests, Dendrochronologia, 52, 167-176. ISSN 1125-7865,

Rodríguez-González, P.M., Campelo, F., Albuquerque, A., Rivaes, R., Ferreira, M.T. & Santos Pereira, J. (2014). Sensitivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) growth to hydrological changes in wetland forests at the rear edge of the species distribution. Plant Ecology, 215, 233-245.

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