December 10, 2019
Francisca Aguiar is proposing a special Issue ‘Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Ecosystem Services of Riparian Forests’ in the open access journal Forests (ISSN 1999-4907, IF=2.116).
You can see further details here:
The submission deadline is 20 February 2020.
Special Issue Information
Riparian forests are multifunctional ecotones that generate a large range of goods and services for human well-being and society. They are both frontier ecosystems and connectors of the upland and the aquatic environment. Riparian vegetation has been shaped by humans and is frequently threatened by activities that fragment, disconnect and reduce their spatial and temporal dynamics. As water and fertile lands are limited and resources overexploited, riparian forests have become increasingly imperiled in many regions of the world. Having almost reached the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, ‘characterizing and understanding’ in order to ‘conserve, restore, monitor and manage’ riparian forests remains challenging to support the shape of policies. This Special Issue will gather selected papers on the dynamics and functioning of riparian forests as providers of ecosystem services, as well as contributions on their valuation, and on how to best monitor, manage and preserve riparian forests. Original research, theoretical and overview papers are welcome.