November 12, 2020

The RIVEAL project was present at the XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020)

November 12, 2020

On the 26-29th October 2020, the RIVEAL project was represented virtually by its team members at the XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020), Murcia, Spain, under the theme “Limnology in a changing world”. One of the main aims of this congress is to discuss new scientific knowledge that will be useful to improve the management and conservation of inland aquatic ecosystems. This year the congress aimed particularly to discuss key issues to manage aquatic ecosystems that despite being of high importance for humans, are subjected to increasing human pressures and impacts.

The RIVEAL project work was presented in the Congress session “Stressed aquatic ecosystems” with a poster entitled “Influence of river regulation and instream habitat on invertebrate communities’ structure and function” (presented by Ana Calapez), where main conclusions were the general influence of both river regulation and different instream mesohabitats on macroinvertebrate assemblages, where the effect of flow regulation is particularly felt on run habitats, and the possibility of using particular key traits as effective tools to identify damming flow alterations, providing an indirect link to ecosystem functioning.

Find the RIVEAL project poster here.

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