May 13, 2021
The RIVEAL project will host a Special Session entitled “River vegetation, the challenges of management and conservation and their values and ecosystem services” at the 63rd International Association of Vegetation Science Symposium, taking place from the 20th till the 23rd of September 2021. This is a worldwide union of scientists and others interested in theoretical and practical studies of vegetation, which main goals are to facilitate personal contacts among vegetation scientists all over the world and to promote research in all aspects of vegetation science and its applications.
Due to the actual COVID 19 pandemic restrictions, this year the meeting will be held entirely online, using a dedicated conference platform. The Symposium will include both live and on-demand events, namely plenary talks, organized special sessions and workshops. It will also have a number of contributed oral talks, posters and virtual excursions. Abstract submissions are open until the 20th of June, at: