[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1531068587032{padding-top: 140px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]O Projeto RIVEAL – da nascente à foz – resumo das atividades e lançamento da Science Brief e Fichas Informativas. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Francisca Aguiar).

Carbono ripário: efeito da regularização hidrológica nos stocks acumulados. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Maria Rosário Fernandes & Maria João Martins).

Influência das barragens na afinidade pela paisagem fluvial das populações locais. O futuro de rios regularizados e das suas margens. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Luísa Schmidt).

Resposta funcional das comunidades de macroinvertebrados e diatomáceas à regularização. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Maria João Feio).

A vegetação aquática e ribeirinha em rios regularizados por diferentes barragens. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Francisca Aguiar).

Resposta das comunidades biológicas à alteração hidrológica e a cenários de reoperação de barragens. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Rui Rivaes).

RIVEAL-TOOL – Redes bayesianas na modelação dos Serviços dos Ecossistemas em rios regularizados. Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto RIVEAL (presented by Pedro Segurado).

River-human connections and affinity for nature of local populations to regulated rivers. SERE2022 Restoring Nature, Reconnecting People, 5-9 September. (presented by Francisca C. Aguiar, Joana S. Couto, Luísa Schmidt, Ana Delicado, Rui Rivaes).

River regulation induces functional alterations in the aquatic communities. SERE2022 Restoring Nature, Reconnecting People, 5-9 September. (presented by Maria João Feio, Ana Raquel Calapez, Sónia R. Q. Serra, Rui Rivaes, Francisca C. Aguiar, Salomé F. P. Almeida).

Ecosystem services of riparian forests in urcertain hydrological and land-use futures. RIPA-1: First International Conference on Riparian Ecosystems Science and Management. 6-7th April 2022 (presented by Francisca C. Aguiar, Rui Rivaes, Pedro Segurado, Maria Teresa Ferreira, Luísa Schmidt, Maria João Feio, Salomé Almeida, Maria Rosário Fernandes, Alexandra Correia, Ana Calapez, Ana Delicado, Andréia Mortágua, Cristiana Vieira, Daniel Gebler, Ivana Lozanovska, Joana Sá Couto, Manuela Sales, Maria João Martins, Pedro Silva).

Hydrology-based spatial planning for riparian revegetation. RIPA-1: First International Conference on Riparian Ecosystems Science and Management. 6-7th April 2022 (presented by Rui Rivaes & Francisca C. Aguiar).

Prioritizing the causality of environmental stressors on the quality of riparian vegetation and macroinvertebrates. 63rd International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) Symposium, 22nd September 2021 (presented by Rui Rivaes, Maria João Feio, Ana Calapez & Francisca Aguiar).

How regulated flows affect the provision of riparian ecosystem services? 63rd. International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) Symposium, 20-23 September 2021 (presented by Francisca Aguiar with Maria João Martins, Rui Rivaes, Ivana Lozanovska, Maria Teresa Ferreira, Pedro Silva & Maria Rosário Fernandes).

Effects of hydrological alterations in the riparian carbon stock capacity: understanding the past to predict the future? 63rd International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) Symposium, 20-23 September 2021 ( presented by Maria Rosário Fernandes with Alexandra Correia, Maria João Martins, Rui Rivaes, Maria Teresa Ferreira & Francisca Aguiar).

Further downstream where natural and regulated communities meet. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS12 Virtual Conference, 25-30 July, 2021, Dublin, UK (presented by Francisca Aguiar, Ivana Lozanovska, Rui Rivaes, Cristiana Vieira & M. Teresa Ferreira).

Mapping changes in carbon storage in riverine areas: historical alterations and future responses to hydrological scenarios. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS12 Virtual Conference, 27th July, 2021, Dublin, UK (presented by Maria do Rosário Fernandes, Alexandra Correia, M. João Martins, Rui Rivaes, M. Teresa Ferreira and Francisca C. Aguiar).

Expected climate change effects on the biodiversity of a Mediterranean hydropower regulated river.  Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS12 Virtual Conference, 27th July, 2021, Dublin, UK (presented by Rui Rivaes with Maria João Feio, Salomé F. P. Almeida, Ana R. Calapez, Andreia Mortágua, Daniel Gebler, Ivana Lozanovska & Francisca C. Aguiar).

Influence of river regulation and instream habitat on invertebrate communities’ structure and function. XX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL-2020), 28th October, 2020, Murcia, Spain (presented by Ana R Calapez; with Sónia RQ Serra, Rui Rivaes, Francisca C Aguiar & Maria João Feio).

Projeto RIVEAL: os desafios de avaliar os serviços de ecossistema culturais numa relação complexa entre sociedade e ambiente. International Seminar on Environment and Society: current challenges and pathways to change, 2-3 March 2020, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by Schmidt, L., Delicado, A., Sá Couto, J.).

Global overview of ecosystem services in riparian vegetation. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science, 8-13 September 2019, Vienna, Austria (presented by P. Manolaki; with T. Riis, M. Kelly-Queen, F.C. Aguiar et al.).

Resilience of Mediterranean and boreal riparian woody vegetation to flow regulation. 62nd Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research, July 14-19, 2019, Bremen, Germany. (presented by I. Lozanovska; with M.D. Bejarano, M.J. Martins, M.T. Ferreira, C. Nilsson, F. C. Aguiar).

Mediterranean riparian forests as carbon bankers. 10th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress, Nature and society facing the Anthropocene challenges and perspectives for landscape ecology, July 1-5, 2019, Milan, Italy (presented by MR Fernandes; with F. C. Aguiar, A. Correia, M. J. Martins, N. Rico, J.M.C. Pereira, M.T. Ferreira).

Project RIVEAL: objectives, organization, activities and outputs. Workshop Projeto RIVEAL – River and riparian Values and Ecossystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes, January 15th, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by F Aguiar).

Armazenamento e sequestro de carbono em florestas ripárias. Workshop Projeto RIVEAL – River and riparian Values and Ecossystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes, January 15th, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by MR Fernandes & A Correia).

An integrative view of fluvial ecosystems: functional approaches and indicators. Workshop Projeto RIVEAL – River and riparian Values and Ecossystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes, January 15th, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by MJ Feio & S Almeida).

A utilização de rede bayesianas e modelos decisão bayesianos na modelação de Serviços de Ecossistemas. Workshop Projeto RIVEAL – River and riparian Values and Ecossystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes, January 15th, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by P Segurado).

Modelação da evolução da vegetação ripária face a diferentes cenários de alteração hidrológica. Workshop Projeto RIVEAL – River and riparian Values and Ecossystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes, January 15th, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by RP Rivaes).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]