April 12, 2022
From 6th to 7th April 2022, the RIVEAL project members participated at the RIPA-1: First International Conference on Riparian Ecosystems Science and Management, in Bratislava (Slovakia). The conference was organized by the COST Action CONVERGES and by the Plant Science & Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
The RIVEAL project members Francisca Aguiar and Rui Rivaes participated with two different oral presentations regarding the results of the project and pertinent issues in riparian restoration actions, namely the “ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF RIPARIAN FORESTS IN UNCERTAIN HYDROLOGICAL AND LAND-USE FUTURES” and “HYDROLOGY-BASED SPATIAL PLANNING OF RIPARIAN REVEGETATION”. The RIPA-1 Conference counted with two days of debates upon oral presentations and posters where almost one hundred researchers discussed important riparian-related issues such as riparian vegetation under pressures, monitoring and indicating, mapping and modeling, ecology and habitats, riparian management and restoration, large scale perspectives, working with and for citizens, and further perspectives. See the RIVEAL project presentations here.