New paper from project RIVEAL about the effects of river regulation on the fluvial ecosystem surrogated by multiple biological elements

January 07, 2021 The paper “Multi-biologic group analysis for an ecosystem response to longitudinal river regulation gradients” was published on Science of the Total Environment journal ( The study assessed how multiple aquatic and riparian biological elements are affected by a gradient of regulation intensity and their interrelations while coping with this disturbance. The paper...

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Sixth factsheet of the RIVEAL project is now online!

December 14, 2020 The sixth factsheet of the RIVEAL project follows up a series of information documents introducing the biological elements considered for analysis in the project’s tasks. This factsheet – Bryophytes – features small non-vascular plants that reproduce via spores and include mosses, liverworts and hornworts. These, cannot be classified as truly aquatic plants...

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New paper from project RIVEAL about the effects of river regulation on aquatic and riparian plant communities

August 20, 2020 The paper “Streamflow regulation effects in the Mediterranean rivers: How far and to what extent are aquatic and riparian communities affected?” was published on Science of the Total Environment journal ( The study focuses on how different plant groups (macrophytes, bryophytes, and riparian woody vegetation) respond to hydrological alterations along the river...

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