New RIVEAL paper published!

November 29, 2021 The most recently published paper under the RIVEAL project entitled “River ecosystem endangerment from climate change-driven regulated flow regimes” was published in the reputable scientific journal Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN). This study investigates the effects of climate change, and its repercussions on hydropower production, on the instream biota of a...

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New paper from project RIVEAL about the effects of river regulation on the fluvial ecosystem surrogated by multiple biological elements

January 07, 2021 The paper “Multi-biologic group analysis for an ecosystem response to longitudinal river regulation gradients” was published on Science of the Total Environment journal ( The study assessed how multiple aquatic and riparian biological elements are affected by a gradient of regulation intensity and their interrelations while coping with this disturbance. The paper...

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Eighth factsheet of the RIVEAL project is now online!

January 05, 2021 The eighth factsheet of the RIVEAL project follows up a series of information documents introducing the biological elements considered for analysis in the project’s tasks. This factsheet – Diatoms – features eukaryotic, microscopic, unicellular or colonial organisms, belonging to the Bacillariophyceae. They are mainly photosynthetic, with golden-brown chloroplasts microalgae colonizing all types...

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