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Duarte, M.C., Garcia, C., Espírito-Santo, A. & Soares, A.L. (Eds.) (2023) Plantas da Bíblia nos Jardins de Belém—Lisboa, pp. 86–135. Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento. Portugal. ISBN 978-972-36-2005-4


Duarte I.M., Acácio, V., Sequeira A.C., Colaço C., Marques S., Rego, F.C., Borges J. (2022)

Seeking for a sustainable fire resilient landscape at a living lab in Northern Portugal.  In: Wolski J., Regulska E., Affek A. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress, IGiPZ PAN, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15th July, pp. 54. 


Lopes L.F., Dias, F.S., Fernandes P., Acácio V. (2023)

Use of remote sensing to evaluate effects of postfire emergency stabilization on oak forests recovery. 8th International Wildland Fire Conference. Porto, Portugal. Book of abstracts, pp201 


Acácio V., Dias F.S., Ferreira M., Rodríguez-González P.M., Matias H., Caldeira M.C. (2024) Effects of shrub species dominance and diversity on oak seedling survival in Mediterranean woodlands: the interplay of abiotic conditions and plant traits. Forest Ecology and Management 555:121713


Portela-Pereira, E., Neto, C., Brito-Henriques, E., Soares AL. & Azambuja ST. (2022) Characteristics of novel urban vegetation in two Portuguese urban regions. Landscape Research.


Morgado, R., Ribeiro, P.F., Lima Santos, J., Rego, F.C., Beja, P. & Moreira, F. (2022)

Drivers of irrigated olive grove expansion in Mediterranean landscapes and associated biodiversity impacts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 225 (104429).    


Mesquita, S., Castel-Branco C. & Menezes de Sequeira, M. (2022) Biographical notes on Mary Young and Caroline Norton, illustrators of Madeiran plants for Curtis’s Botanical Magazine in the 19th century. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 39 (2): 379-402.


Mesquita, S., Carine, M., Castel-Branco, C & Menezes de Sequeira, M. (2022) Documenting the flora of a diversity hotspot: Richard Thomas Lowe (1802–1874) and his botanical exploration of Madeira Island. Taxon, 71 (4): 876–891.


Li, J., Pandey, B., Dakhil, M.A., Khanal M & Pan, K. (2022) Precipitation and potential evapotranspiration determine the distribution patterns of threatened plant species in Sichuan Province, China. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11.


Dias, S., Soares, A.L., Nunes, L., Gaião, D., Rego, F.C., Duarte, I.M. (2022) Inventário complementar de arvoredo de arruamento no Município de Lisboa. Relatório técnico. Centro de Ecologia Aplicada “Prof. Baeta Neves” (CEABN-InBIO) Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), Lisboa, pp: 93.

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