ForEco: Forest ecology

Research Team and Contacts:

Researchers                Current research areas Contact

Akli Ait Benali

Remote sensing; Environment; Fire-Human relations; Fire spread Modelling; Uncertainty estimation 

Alexandra Correia

Climate change impacts in Mediterranean woody species; Carbon fluxes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface; P. pinea; Q. suber  

Ana Sá

Fire spread modeling, fire regime properties and land use change using satellite data and GIS analysis  

Carla Nogueira

Drought and multiple nutrient effects on diversity, productivity and ecosystem C fluxes of a Mediterranean grassland

Duarte Oom

Remote sensing; global pyrogeography; fire regime characterization; global burned area algorithms

Fernanda Valente

Mathematical modelling in hydrology and micrometeorology

Fernando G. Monteiro

Earth and environmental sciences (soil science, pedology)

Filipe Costa e Silva

Carbon and water fluxes in Mediterranean ecossystems; tree ecophysiology

João Costa e Silva

Quantitative, evolutionary and population genetics with focus on the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources

João M. N. Silva

Vegetation fires. Greenhouse gas emissions from biomass burning. Land use/cover mapping. Remote sensing. Field spectroradiometry. Adaptation to climate change.

João Santos Pereira

Plant responses to stress and climate change; Carbon balance of the ecosystem; Decline of forests and mitigation of CO2 emissions

Jorge Soares David

Catchment hydrology, ecohydrology, tree transpiration, interception loss, water movement inside trees (tree hydraulics)

José Carlos Rodrigues

High-throughput phenotyping characterization of lignocellulosics by FTIR/NIR, analytical pyrolysis and chemometrics

José M. Cardoso Pereira

Global and regional pyrogeography; Fire ecology; Remote sensing

Manuel Madeira

Earth and environmental sciences (soil science, natural resources management)

Manuel L. Campagnolo

Remote sensing; image processing; pattern recognition

Maria C. Caldeira

Ecosystem ecology and tree ecophysiology. Drought effects on ecosystem carbon and water balance. Ecosystem and tree resilience to drought.

Maria Helena Almeida

Plant production; forest genetics; adaptability

Maria João Martins

Applied mathematics to ecology and biology; Estimation in extreme value theory; Computational statistics; Numerical methods

Maria J. P. Vasconcelos


Maria Margarida Ribeiro

Population genetics; natural resources conservation; forest tree improvement

Marjan Jongen

Productivity and biodiversity in sown pastures; Application of remote sensing technologies as a decision support tool for management of sown pastures

Patrícia M. Alexandre

Wildfires; wildland urban interface; spatial modeling; spatial analysis; building loss to wildfires 

Pedro Silva

Applied mathematical research to Ecology and Biology; fundamental mathematical research

Raquel Lobo-do-Vale

Tree ecophysiology; tree responses to drought and warming, including extreme events

Rita Costa

Genetics and genomics of woody species; plant biotechnology; breeding for resistance to biotic stresses; molecular markers

Sofia Cerasoli

Spectral vegetation indices for stress monitoring in Mediterranean forests; Trees response to climate change, including extreme events; Carbon balance at leaf and tree scale.

Teresa Soares David

Ecophysiology and Ecohydrology; plant water relations; tree hydraulics; drought; roots

Tiago Monteiro-Henriques

Native (Quercus spp.) forest regeneration, clustering of vegetation data; bioclimatological mapping   

Tiago Oliveira

Wildfire risk management; risk governance; technology, policy and management 

Xavier Lecomte

Land use and ecosystem functioning; Plant-animal interactions, grazing and browsing; shrub encroachment; carbon sequestration and fire behavior; soil nutrient cycling 

Yannick Le Page

Global vegetation fire modeling; Integrated Natural-Human system assessments; land use change and impacts; Agro-ecological zoning.


Colaborating Researchers current research areas Contact

Ana Carla Madeira


Catarina Moura

Fernando Leite Pereira

Eco-hydrology and forest micrometeorology. Water loss due to rainfall interception: Measuring and modeling of rainfall interception in sparse forests. 

Francisco Abreu

João Carreiras


John Gash

Jorge Orestes Cerdeira

Mathematical models for biodiversity conservation 

Maria da Graça Abrantes

Maria do Carmo Horta

Soil science; Fertilization; Plant nutrition; Sustainable management of P fertilizers; Use of biosolids and compost as fertilizers  

Maria João Gaspar

Maria Madalena Fonseca

Earth and environmental sciences (soil science; geology; mineralogy; mineralogical study of soil fractions by XRD analysis) 

Nuno Borralho

Nuno Cortez


Doctoral students current research areas Contact

Ana Paula Rodrigues

Plant ecophysiology: responses to abiotic stress (plant physiology, biochemistry and metabolomics). 

Ana Raquel Rodrigues

Earth and environmental sciences; Agroforestry systems management and soil quality monitoring; Soil C and N fluxes and dynamics

António Correia


Melanie Häusler

Remote sensing; Modelling surface energy fluxes over drought and fire affected areas; Monitoring evapotranspiration  

Teresa Sampaio

Quantitative genetics; Statistical modeling applied to forest genetics. 



Research Assistants CURRENT RESEARCH AREAS Contact

Carla Faria

Plant production techniques; forest genetic improvement; conservation of genetic resources; environmental education