Welcome to Master of Science in
Data Science in Agriculture, Food, Forest and Environment (Green Data Science)

Instituto Superior de Agronomia

First application phase for 2025/2026 will open on 3rd of March: see more information.

Learn Data Science applied to Agriculture, Food, Forest and Environment. Be in the digital transition...

The importance of training in data science has been highlighted for its role in the economy and society, improving data-driven decision support. Globally, the demand for data scientists is high, with insufficient supply for the needs of the labor market.

In the areas of application of this master's degree, there has been a growing adoption of technologies and practices based on the intensive use of data, in addition to what has already existed in some areas for years (e.g. environment).

The new master's degree Data Science in Agriculture, Food, Forest and Environment aims to enable, through theoretical and practical training, the application of Data Science to food production systems, environmental quality management and natural resources.

The Master Talk about the Green Data Science took place on 21th Mar 2024. It includes the presentation of the master's degree, and, from the 11th minute onwards, the testimony of two students, Inês Silveira (Environment Eng.) and Vasco Florentino (Landscape Architect). See the recording here.

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What our students have to say

The reasons of Green Data Science


Agri-food and environmental sciences are multidimensional. Our ambition is to prepare professionals capable of dealing with this complexity through the application of Data Science.

More about GREEN DS


The Green Data Science curriculum prepares digital transformation, enabling the use of large volumes of data in decision support.

See the curriculum


ISA is the largest and most qualified school in agricultural sciences in Portugal! The extensive experience and knowledge provides the ideal environment for applied data science learning.

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Be a student Green Data Science

The students of Green Data Science:

  • are curious;
  • know how to characterize a problem;
  • have a taste for technologies;
  • like the interface between Data Science and application areas;
  • like teamwork
  • thave a taste for math and statistics applications;
  • know how to tell a story;
  • know how to program and reuse code;
  • know how to use the cloud and collaborative tools;
  • know how to analyze data;
  • know how to manage data;
  • enjoy lifelong learning;


Engage your company or organisation to the master's degree. Support training in Data Science applied to your area of activity.

Becoming a partner of Green Data Science creates opportunities to facilitate innovation and technology transfer, tailored to your organization's specific processes.

The biggest benefit, however, is the training of highly qualified professionals, based on experience and application to real problems.

Partnership can take many forms. For example, you can submit a use case for a Hackathon Project, present a seminar on the activity in your sector, host internships or dissertations and even provide training for your employees.

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