Proposal submission by Partners

Please inform which type of proposal you would like to make. This does not be detailed at this stage, as further contacts will consolidate the partnership and proposal.

The yearly timeline for proposals is:

  • Hackathon project topics - Hackathon run between September and December each year. Topics should be proposed until the end of April of the same year.
  • Internships or thesis - These actions run between September and June. Topics for internships, dissertations or projects can be sent until the end of July of the academic year to start the work.
  • Seminar - Seminars are presented in the scope of FADS course, normally on Fridays, between September and December each year. Proposals can be made until the end of September of the same year. Available dates are displayed on the form.

Learn more on how to become a Green Data Science partner here. Any additional information, contact the coordination at:

Rui Figueira
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Herbário, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal
telefone:  (+351) 213653165

Type of proposal
Select all types of proposal you would like to send.
It may describe more than one type of proposal, if applicable.