Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications
Aguiar FC, Cerdeira JO, Martins MJ, Ferreira MT. 2013. Riparian forests of Southwest Europe: are functional trait and species composition assemblages constrained by environment? Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 628–638. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12009
Conference Proceedings
Mendonça, M, Portela MM, Aguiar FC. 2015. Alteration of the river regime downstream small hydropower schemes. Exploratory analysis of the effects on the vegetation of the river corridor. Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Hydraulic: Data Validation. Coimbra, Portugal, 8-9 May 2015, Coimbra, Portugal: 12 p.
Cardoso J, Portela MM, Martins MJ, Bejarano MD, Aguiar FC. 2013. Utilização de indicadores de alteração hidrológica para caracterização de regimes a jusante de barragens portuguesas. 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente. Aveiro, Portugal, 6–8th November 2013: np.
Cardoso J, Portela MM, Aguiar FC, Martins MJ, Bejarano MD. 2013. Application of indicators of alteration to characterize dam-induced hydrological changes in Portuguese rivers. CIIEM 2013 - 5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management. Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 July 2013: np.
Aguiar FC , Fernandes MR, Fabião AM, Bejarano MD, Nilsson C, Merritt DM, Segurado P, Silva P, Portela MM, Martins MJ.2014. Riparian Forests in a Context of Flow Disturbance: New Tools and Approaches to Support Ecological Research. In: C. Andrade (ed.), 3rd International Conference on Ecohydrology, Soil and Climate Change, 10-12 September 2014, Tomar, Portugal: 172.
Fernandes MR , Martins MJ , Silva P, Aguiar FC . 2014. Riparian landscapes downstream dams: effects of historical land-use change and altered flows. In: C. Andrade (ed.), 3rd International Conference on Ecohydrology, Soil and Climate Change, 10-12 September 2014, Tomar, Portugal: 108.
Portela MM, Mendonça M, Aguiar FC. 2014. Alteration of the river regime due to small hydropower schemes. Assessment of the natural and modified flow regimes. 3rd International Conference on Ecohydrology, Soil and Climate Change, 10-12 September 2014, Tomar, Portugal: 173.
Aguiar FC, Fabião AM, Bejarano MD, Nilsson C, Merritt DM , Martins MJ . 2014. FLOWBASE: a traitbase for Mediterranean riparian Flora. In: Mucina L, Price JN, Kalwij JM (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, AU: 213 p.
Aguiar, FC, Martins MJ , Bejarano MD , Nilsson C , Portela MP , Segurado P, Merritt DM. 2014. Are dams regulating diversity of riparian forests? Functional trade-offs and synergies in Mediterranean Europe. In: Mucina L, Price JN, Kalwij JM (eds.), Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, Kwongan Foundation, Perth, AU: 63 p.
Bejarano MD, Aguiar FC, Nilsson C. 2013. Evaluación de impactos de la regulación en el ecosistema fluvial a escala global. El papel de los grupos funcionales riparios. III Jornadas de ingeniería del agua. La protección contra los riesgos hídricos. Valencia, Spain, 23 -24th October 2013: np.
Cardoso J, Portela MM, Aguiar FC, Martins MJ, Bejarano MD. 2013. Application of indicators of alteration to characterize dam-induced hydrological changes in Portuguese rivers. Abstratcts E-Book. CIIEM 2013 - 5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management. Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 July 2013: p. 143.
Aguiar FC, Martins MJ, Bejarano MD, Portela MM, Cardoso, J. 2013. Effects of dam-regulated flows and fragmentation in species and trait composition of streamside forests. In: Püssa K, Kalamees R & Hallop K (eds), Abstracts 56th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science.56th IAVS Symposium Vegetation Patterns & Their Underlying Processes, 26-30 June Tartu, Estonia: 7.
Aguiar FC, Fabião AM, Bejarano MD, Martins MJ. 2013. FLOWBASE – a primeira base de dados de atributos funcionais de espécies ripícolas mediterrânicas. 7º Congresso Florestal Nacional “Florestas - Conhecimento e Inovação”, 5-8 June 2013, Bragança, Portugal, np.
Aguiar FC, Almeida A, Bejarano M, Fernandes R, Martins MJ, Merritt, D, Nilsson, C, Portela M, Segurado P. 2012.OASIS: How to Run Regulated Rivers in Semi-arid Regions? Book of Abstracts and Program XVI Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, Guimarães, Portugal, 2-6 July. pp 87.
Thesis and Curricular reports
Mendonça MSR. 2015. Alteração do regime fluvial a jusante de pequenos aproveitamentos hidroelétricos. Análise exploratória dos efeitos na vegetação do corredor fluvial. MScThesis in Civil Engineering. Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 106p.
Cardoso JSLL. 2013. Application of indicators of hydrological alteration in Portuguese rivers impacted by dams. Master of Science Thesis in Civil Engeneering. Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.53pp+annexes.
Medeiros JPS. 2013. Curricular PhD Traineeship on "Methods and Technologies of Research" of João Paulo Silva Medeiros. University of Lisbon, 10p.