Fee   320 Euros (+20 euros if payed by credit card) for all attendees not coming from FCUL (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) or ISA (Instituto Superior de Agronomia).

for attendees from FCUL or ISA the expenses detailed bellow will be covered by NitroPortugal.
What is included & excluded in the fee: The fee covers tuitions, materials during the course, field work travels (by bus), coffee-breaks, one night in shared accommodations during field work, reception in the evening before the course, group dinner, packed lunch during the field work and insurance for field work. It does not include other travels and meals not indicated above.
How to apply    All students must apply to a competitive call to attend the NecoSchool Apply (after March 1): fill this form AND send 1-page CV to echanges@fc.ul.pt using NecoSchool in the subject.

tentative schedule for the training school


NitroPortugal: Strengthening Portuguese research and innovation capacities in the field of excess reactive nitrogen
NitroPortugal is H2020-TWINN-2015 Coordination & support action (nr 692331)