Godinho-Ferreira, P., 2003, Participação na Acção COST-E27: Protected Forest Areas in Europe - Analysis and Harmonisation, integrando o Grupo de Trabalho II: "Harmonisation and improvement of information on European Protected Forest Areas - international dimension", Reunião de Ossiach.
Godinho, P., Rego, F., Bunting, S., 1999, Forty years of landscape change in north-western Portugal: implications for wildfire regime and bird diversity. V World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, 29 July-3 August, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA. (Comunicação oral).
Moreira, F., Rego, F. & Godinho, P., 1999, The use of resource selection functions to evaluate habitat selection by wildfire in landscapes. V World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, 29 July-3 August, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA. (Abstract).
Nunes, L., Moreno, M., lberdi, I., Álvarez-González, J., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Castro Rego, F., 2020, Harmonized Classification of Forest Types in theIberian Peninsula Based on Nationa lForest Inventories. Forests 11: 1170.
(doi: 10.3390/f11111170)
Moreno, M., Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Rego, F.C., 2019, Characterisation of Forest Types in Iberian Peninsula. Conference A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions, 20-23 May, Sundvolden, Norway. (Oral presentation).
Moreno, M., Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Rego, F.C., 2019, Characterization of Forest Types in Iberian Peninsula. Conference A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions, Sundvolden, Norway, 20-23 May.
Nunes, L., Moreno, M., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Dias, S., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Rego, F.C., 2019, Characterization of vegetation models based on national forest inventories: applications of an harmonised classification for the Iberian Peninsula. Conference Retos y aplicaciones de los inventarios forestales, 11 June, INIA, Madrid, Spain. (Oral presentation).
Rego, F.C., Bunting, S.C., Strand, E.K., Godinho-Ferre, P., 2019, Applied Landscape Ecology. JohnWiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-1119368205
Godinho-Ferreira, P., Rego, F.C., 2013, Contribuição do Inventário Florestal Nacional e da Ecologia da Paisagem no apoio às politicas de decisão do ordenamento e gestão florestal sustentável. In: Livro de Resumos do 7º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 5-8 Junho, Vila Real e Bragança, pp: 53.
Lopes, D., Nunes, L., Godinho, P., Bento, J., Patrício, M.S., Gonçalves, C., Oliveira, A., Monteiro, M.L., Luís, J.S., Rego, F.C., 2009, Avaliação da capacidade de fixação de carbono em povoamentos mistos no norte de Portugal. In: Silva, R., Páscoa, F. (Eds), Actas Comunicações 6º Congresso Florestal Nacional, Açores, pp. 140-141.
Silva, J., Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F., Godinho-Ferreira, P., 2009, Assessing the relative fire proneness of different forest types in Portugal. Plant Biosystems 143: 597-608.
(doi: 10.1080/11263500903233250)
Godinho-Ferreira, P.G, 2008, The structure of forest mozaic in Portugal mainland. PhD Thesis, Institute of Agronomy, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Fernandes, P., Luz, A., Loureiro, C., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Botelho, H., 2006, Fuel modelling and fire hazard assessment based on data from the Portuguese National Forest Inventory (abstract). Forest Ecology and Management 234, Supp. 1: Page S229.
Godinho-Ferreira, P. e Rego, F., 2006, Configuration of forest patches in Mainland Portugal. In: Bunce, R.G.H. and Jongman, R. H. G. (Eds), Landscape Ecology in the Mediterranean: inside and outside approaches, Proceedings of the European IALE Conference, IALE – International Association for Landscape Ecology, pp: 77-84.
Godinho-Ferreira, P., Azevedo, A., Vaz, P., Rego, F., 2006, Composition, configuration and vertical structure of Portuguese forests: Implications in wildfire probability, Forest Ecology and Management 234, Supp. 1: Page S225. (Abstract com. oral).
Cunha, J., Godinho-Ferreira, P. & Rego, F., 2005, Carta da Tipologia Florestal de Portugal Continental e suas implicações na Herpetofauna. In: Silva R. & Páscoa F. (Eds), Actas das Comunicações do 5º Congresso Florestal Nacional: A Floresta e as gentes, SPCF, Viseu. (Poster), (CD-ROM: 9 pp).
Godinho-Ferreira, P. & Rego, F., 2005, Configuration of forest patches in mainland Portugal. In: Abstracts Book of European IALE Congress, Landscape Ecology in the Mediterranean: inside and outside approaches, 29 March-2 April, Faro, Portugal.
Godinho-Ferreira, P., Azevedo, A., Rego, F., 2005, Carta da Tipologia Florestal de Portugal Continental. Silva Lusitana 13 (1): 1-34.
Rego, F., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Uva, J.S, Cunha, J., 2004, Combination of Structural and Compositional Factors For Describing Forest Types Using National Forest Inventory Data. In: Marchetti, M., Barbati, A., Estreguil, C. e Larsson, T. (Eds), Abstracts booklet of the Conference Monitoring and indicators of forest biodiversity in Europe - from ideas to operationality, 12-15 November, IUFRO, European Environment Agency (EEA), European Forest Institute (EFI), Florence, Italy, pp: 153-162.
Godinho-Ferreira, P., 2003, Participação na Acção COST-E27: Protected Forest Areas in Europe - Analysis and Harmonisation, integrando o Grupo de Trabalho II: "Harmonisation and improvement of information on European Protected Forest Areas - international dimension", Reunião de Ossiach.
Godinho, P., Rego, F., Bunting, S., 1999, Forty years of landscape change in north-western Portugal: implications for wildfire regime and bird diversity. V World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, 29 July-3 August, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA. (Comunicação oral).
Moreira, F., Rego, F. & Godinho, P., 1999, The use of resource selection functions to evaluate habitat selection by wildfire in landscapes. V World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, 29 July-3 August, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA. (Abstract).
Nunes, L., Moreno, M., lberdi, I., Álvarez-González, J., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Castro Rego, F., 2020, Harmonized Classification of Forest Types in theIberian Peninsula Based on Nationa lForest Inventories. Forests 11: 1170.
(doi: 10.3390/f11111170)
Moreno, M., Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Rego, F.C., 2019, Characterisation of Forest Types in Iberian Peninsula. Conference A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions, 20-23 May, Sundvolden, Norway. (Oral presentation).
Moreno, M., Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Rego, F.C., 2019, Characterization of Forest Types in Iberian Peninsula. Conference A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions, Sundvolden, Norway, 20-23 May.
Nunes, L., Moreno, M., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Dias, S., Godinho-Ferreira, P., Mazzoleni, S., Rego, F.C., 2019, Characterization of vegetation models based on national forest inventories: applications of an harmonised classification for the Iberian Peninsula. Conference Retos y aplicaciones de los inventarios forestales, 11 June, INIA, Madrid, Spain. (Oral presentation).
Rego, F.C., Bunting, S.C., Strand, E.K., Godinho-Ferre, P., 2019, Applied Landscape Ecology. JohnWiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-1119368205
Godinho-Ferreira, P., Rego, F.C., 2013, Contribuição do Inventário Florestal Nacional e da Ecologia da Paisagem no apoio às politicas de decisão do ordenamento e gestão florestal sustentável. In: Livro de Resumos do 7º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 5-8 Junho, Vila Real e Bragança, pp: 53.
Lopes, D., Nunes, L., Godinho, P., Bento, J., Patrício, M.S., Gonçalves, C., Oliveira, A., Monteiro, M.L., Luís, J.S., Rego, F.C., 2009, Avaliação da capacidade de fixação de carbono em povoamentos mistos no norte de Portugal. In: Silva, R., Páscoa, F. (Eds), Actas Comunicações 6º Congresso Florestal Nacional, Açores, pp. 140-141.
Silva, J., Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F., Godinho-Ferreira, P., 2009, Assessing the relative fire proneness of different forest types in Portugal. Plant Biosystems 143: 597-608.
(doi: 10.1080/11263500903233250)