The Workshop "Fire, forest and recovery: what science can tells us" will be held on November 25 (with one session at 10:30 am and another session at 2:30 pm) in the CEABN InBIO facilities and Forest Nursery facilities of the School of Agriculture (ISA), Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a better comprehension about fire and its behaviour in the forest area through small experiments and it aims at sharing the best practices regarding, for example, sowing and plant production. A short tour in Tapada of Ajuda will introduce some of the existing native and exotic species explaining their strategies for survival in case of wildfire. This workshop is particularly relevant in the actual post-fire period, when several reforestation initiatives are being organized in Portugal.
This initiative, specially designed for families, is being organized during the Science and Technology Week (20-26 November 2017) and it is the result of a partnership between CEABN InBIO, the Forest Nursery of the School of Agriculture and the Cooperative for Education and Rehabilitation of Disable Citizens of Cascais (CERCICA).
To participate in this Workshop you should register through:
- Our e-mail address: ou phone number: +351 213 653 333.
More information is available [HERE]
Saturday, 04 November 2017