COORDINATION: AMUFOR - Asociación de Municipios Forestales de la Comunidad Valenciana. Project Coordinator: (E-mail: )
CEABN InBIO TEAM: Francisco Castro Rego, Inês Duarte, Leónia Nunes, Vanda Acácio
OTHER INSTITUTIONS: (ES) Universitat Politècnica de València, (ES) Universidad de València (UV-CIDE), (ES) Diputación de Valencia (DIVAL), (ES) Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, O.A., M.P (INIA), (PT) Municipio de Loulé (CML), (FR) Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques de Bordeaux Aquitaine (Bordeaux Sciences Agro)
The project aims to improve the coordination and effectiveness of post fire prevention and post fire recovery plans, including the risk management of greenhouse gases emissions from forest fires in the SUDOE regions, which are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Main tasks are:
- Developing a model to quantify the Greenhouse Gas Emission Risk, in order to include this indicator in forest fire management policies and programs;
- Developing cartography of carbon storage;
- Proposing standardized recovery measures, such as post-fire measures that can minimize damages and accelerate the recovery of carbon stocks.
The study area in Portugal is Serra do Caldeirão, in Southern Portugal, benefiting from the partnership with the Municipality of Loulé and from all the research that has been carried out by the CEABN team in this region, namely on cork oak post-fire survival, cork oak regeneration and landscape dynamics, and cork oak mortality.