CEABN TEAM: Diogo Castro Pereira, Francisco Castro Rego, Maria João Maia, Miguel Capelo e Susana Dias.
OTHERS INSTITUTIONS: ERENA, Ordenamento e Gestão de Recursos Naturais, Lda., Escola Superior Agrária de Beja e Divisão de Recursos Aquícolas de Águas Interiores (Direcção-Geral dos Recursos Florestais).
This Project aimed to collect auto-ecologic data e develop techniques that enable the conservation and management of red-legged partridge on areas dominated by montado. The mains research lines were:
1) Collection and modelling information about species ecology on montado;
2) Field implementation and testing different management measures;
3) Monitoring population dynamics on the study areas and assessing demographic and spatial response to the implementation of the implemented measures
CEABN team participated on:
a) marking and census of red-legged partridge populations on two study areas in the centre of Portugal;
b) radio-tracking and habitat selection studies;
c) study of the feeding ecology (diet and availability of food resources);
d) monitoring the species re-stoking programmes.