COORDINATION: Francisco Castro Rego.
CEABN TEAM: Catarina Sequeira, Diana Tavares, Ernesto Deus, Filipe Xavier Catry, Francisco Castro Rego, Hugo Matias, João Moreira Jorge, Marta Rocha, Paulo Salgueiro, Vanda Acácio.
OTHER INSTITUTIONS: Instituto Geográfico Português (IGP) e Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e Florestas (ICNF).
The main objective of this project was the comprehensive and detailed analysis of the wildfire-driven spacio-temporal forest dynamics in Portugal, at the landscape level.
Such analysis was performed using old and recent cartography, spanning a time period of three to four decades (e.g. Land Cover Map of Continental Portugal for 1990 - COS’90; Land Use and Land Cover Map of Continental Portugal for 2007 - COS2007; National Forest Inventory of 1965/78 – IFN’70; cartography of burnt areas for the period 1975-2008).
The results of this study contributed to improve the knowledge on fire-driven landscape dynamics in Portugal, since it gathered a considerable amount of information on land use (especially on forest use), which has never been analyzed before.
Moreover we also contributed to the state-of-the-art of wildland fire research since we approached aspects which have not been sufficiently explored, such as the relationships between weather and fire selectivity and the confrontation of different approaches to assess fire selectivity.
Mapa Agrícola e Florestal de Portugal Continental 1951-1980 (MAF1951-80)