COORDINATION: Eduardo Brito-Henriques (Project Coordinator) Center for Geographical Studies (CEG), Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), University of Lisbon.
CEABN InBIO TEAM: Ana Luísa Soares and Sónia Talhé Azambuja.
OUTRAS INSTUTUIÇÕES: Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD), Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon and Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT), School of Architecture, University of Minho.
NoVOID is a research project that seeks to theorize about ruination and to investigate wastelands.
Developing appropriate planning solutions for urban derelicts and vacant lands is currently a major challenge for urban planning.
The "smart decline approach" sustains that adaptive strategies that do not understand urban abandonment as a necessarily negative fact and look to take advantage of its positive aspects are possible.
On the other hand, reflecting on the qualities of urban porosity, discussing whether that porosity is compatible with the compact city, and investigating how this integration can be done seems necessary.
NoVOID aims to contribute to those key points of discussion. Thus, the key questions that we seek to answer are: which hidden forms of life, values and aptitudes do abandoned and ruined spaces enclose? And how can these spaces be availed towards a more sustainable, inclusive and plural project of cities?