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COORDINATION: Cascais Ambiente, Câmara Municipal de Cascais: Luís Capão, João Melo, Joana Balsemão / Centro de Ecologia Aplicada Professor Baeta Neves (CEABN InBIO): Francisco Castro Rego.

CEABN InBIO TEAM: Hugh D. Safford, Francisco Castro RegoLeónia Nunes,Vasco Silva and Ana Catarina Sequeira.

With this protocol we want to provide technical and scientific support to the ecological restoration project of the area covered by the 2018 wildfire in Peninha-Cresmina (Cascais).

We aim to follow-up the activities that will occur during the restoration project providing technical advice, monitoring the vegetation dynamics and present proposals for management tools and landscape management models. We expect that this model will contribute to a lesser risk of wildfires on the vulnerable landscape of Cascais and that will be more adapted to climate change, ensuring the provision of ecosystem services in the Natural Park area and the involvement of local communities in the preservation of this territory.