COORDINATION: Cooperativa Terra Chã: António Frazão / Centro de investigação em Agronomia, Alimentos, Ambiente e Paisagem (LEAF): Ana D. Caperta / Centro de Ecologia Aplicada Professor Baeta Neves (CEABN InBIO): Francisco Castro Rego.
CEABN InBIO TEAM: Filipe Catry; Francisco Castro Rego, Leónia Nunes; Miguel Bugalho and Vasco Silva.
A protocol between the Centre for Applied Ecology "Prof. Baeta Neves" (CEABN-InBIO), the Centre for Research in Agronomy, Food, Environment and Landscape (LEAF), both centres from School of Agronomy, and Cooperativa Terra Chã, was signed on February 2016 in order to develop sustainable practices for natural vegetation management, as well practices that reduce fire risk and promotion of local development in Protected Areas, specifically in the territory under grazing management by Terra Chã in the Serra de Aires e Candeeiros.
The following activities were carried out:
- Inventory of flora, identification of plant communities and characterization of habitat types of Natura 2000 Network;
- Evaluation of the grazing influence on the reduction of fuel biomass in bush habitat types;
- Determination of the grazing effects on the reproductive success of spontaneous orchids;
- Elaboration of reports with data obtained from field work and based on management tools.
The promotion of the partnership at national and international level is highlighted through:
- Presentations during the activities of the Rede Rural Nacional in the Feira Nacional de Agricultura de Santarém, on June 10, 2016;
- Participation in the "13th Eurasian Grassland Conference - Management and conservation of semi-natural grasslands: from theory to practice" in Sighişoara, Romania, from 20-24 September 2016;
- Participation in the seminar "Pastoreio - Fogos - Gestão de habitats" in Rio Maior, November 29, 2017;
- Participation in the Programa Biosfera, in the edition of March 10, 2018.