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Iryna Skulska


Email: irynaskulska(a#t)isa.ulisboa.pt

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Iryna Skulska - researcher at the Center for Applied Ecology "Prof. Baeta Neves" (CEABN) of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), University of Lisbon. In 2020 she completed a PhD in Forestry and Natural Resources Engineering from the University of Lisbon Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Thesis title: “Governance of community forest areas in mainland Portugal over the last 40 years: results, current trends and future perspectives" (PhD thesis available [HERE]).

In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the University of Coimbra with a degree in Territory, Risks and Public Policy, and in 2012 she received her Master’s in Environmental Engineering from the University of Aveiro. Since 2006, she has been a specialist in "Ecology and Environmental Protection" at the National Forestry and Wood-Technology University of Ukraine.

Currently, Iryna is conducting her research through several research projects related to natural sciences, with a focus on forest and natural resource management/governance, various risks (e.g. wildfire risk, invasion by exotic woody species), and working with society in various directions (e.g. environmental education, citizen science, community-based forestry, abandonment of forest management).

Acácio V., Dias S., Duarte I.M., Colaço C., Nunes L., Sequeira C., Skulska I., Rego F.C., 2023, Temporal and spatial patterns of extreme wildfire events at the European landscape scale. IUFRO Forest Environment Div8 Conference, Évora, Portugal. Book of abstracts, Universidade de Évora, pp96

Colaço, M.C., Sequeira, A.C., Skulska, I., 2023, Genus Acacia in Mainland Portugal: Knowledge and Experience of Stakeholders in Their Management. Land, 12, 2026

(doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/land12112026)

Marchante, E., Colaço, M. C., Skulska, Iryna. Ulm, F.; González, L.; Duarte, L.C.; Neves, S.; et al., 2023, Management of invasive Australian Acacia species in the Iberian Peninsula. In Wattles – Australian Acacia species around the world, edited by David Richardson; Jaco Le Roux; Elizabete Marchante, 438-454. Switzerland: CABI, 2023. ISBN: 9781800622173

Skulska I., Pacheco R., Colaço M.C., Sequeira A.C., Rego F.C., Acácio V., 2023,

Gestão das áreas florestais comunitárias/baldios em Portugal. Silva Lusitana, 31(1): 57 – 80

(doi: doi.org/10.1051/silu/20233101057)

Colaço C., Skulska I., Sequeira C., Acácio V., Rego F.C., 2022,

Desbloquear a gestão colaborativa do risco de incêndio e melhorar o quadro legislativo para baldios mais seguros. In: Pinto M.A., Silva M.E., Azevedo J.C., Sequeira M., Ribeiro N., Fernandes P., Mateus P., Dias S. (Eds.). Livro de resumos do 9. Congresso Florestal Nacional 10-14th October, Funchal-Madeira, pp 129. 

Pacheco, R., Gomes, P., Skulska, I., Colaço, C., 2022, Improving community land management through association arrangements in Portugal, Newsletter from the Mediterranean forests network - MedForest, Improving community land management through association arrangements in Portugal - MedForest

Pacheco, R., Sequeira, A.C., Skulska, I., Colaço, C., 2022, Educating for change: toolkit for high schools on wildfires and climate change; Newsletter from the Mediterranean forests network – MedForest.

(doi: https://medforest.net/2022/09/27/educating-for-change-toolkit-for-high-schools-on-wildfires-and-climate-change/)

Skulska, I., Celina, B., 2022, Citizen science and its contribution to controlling acacia forests in Portugal; Newsletter from the Mediterranean forests network – MedForest.

(doi: https://medforest.net/2022/03/29/citizen-science-and-its-contribution-to-controlling-acacia-forest-invasion-in-portugal/)

Plana, E.; Serra, M.; Sabella, C.; Mayer, C.; Mayer, C.; et al., 2021,

Climate change impacts on natural hazards risk management and Civil Protection of wildfires, floods, storms, avalanches, rockfalls and landslides (English, Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan), 68p, https://recipe.ctfc.cat/docs/RECIPE%20final%20publication_printed.pdf

(doi: ISBN 978-84-09-36489-3)

Skulska, I., Monteiro, M., Rego, F.C., 2021, Gestão dos Terrenos Comunitários. Análise dos Planos de Utilização dos Baldios. Silva Lusit. 28, 91–114

(doi: https://doi.org/10.1051/silu/20202802091)

Skulska, I., 2020, Governance of community forest areas in mainland Portugal over the last 40 years: results, current trends and future perspectives. PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. University of Lisbon.

Skulska, I., Barroca C., Colaço, M. C., 2020, Controlo de Acacia ssp.: o papel de educação ambiental. Oral presentation in IV Congresso Internacional Educação, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. 11-14 de novembro de 2020. Politécnico de Leiria

Skulska, I., Duarte, I., Rego, F.C., Montiel-Molina, C., 2020, Relationships Between Wildfires, Management Modalities of Community Areas, and Ownership Types in Pine Forests of Mainland Portugal. Small-scale For. 19, 231–251.

(doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11842-020-09445-6)

Skulska, I., Montiel-Molina, C., Rego, F.C., 2020, The role of forest policy in Mediterranean mountain community lands: A review of the decentralization processes in European countries. J. Rural Stud. 80, 490–502.

(doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.10.033)

Colaço, M.C., Skulska, I., Salgueiro, A., 2019, Rural abandonment and evolution towards megafires – a rural renaissance needed?. Interregional Workshop on Resin resource monitoring & modelling in a context of climate change, 21-22 January, INIA, Madrid, Spain. (Invited Speaker).

Rego, F, Skulska, I, 2019, Evolução histórica do Regime Florestal em Portugal. In: Antunes M, Lopes D (eds) Florestas e legislação: que futuro? Instituto Jurídico. Faculdade de Direto da Universidade de Coimbra, pp 75–85. ISBN: 978-989-8891-52-5. [Download]

Skulska, I., 2019, Assessment of Portuguese community lands using the VGGT and CBF FAO Framework. Guest speaker in Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2019: Forests for Peace and Well-being, Incheon, Republic of Korea. 17-21 June.

Skulska, I., Colaço, M.C., Aggarwal, S., Didier, H., Monteiro, M.L.M., Rego, F., 2019, Assessment of Portuguese community forestry: using the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure and FAO community-based forestry framework. Society & Natural Resources 33(1): 101-121.

(doi: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1660934)

Skulska, I. & Rego, F.C., 2018, Áreas comunitárias da União Europeia: lacunas no conhecimento e necessidades de pesquisa. III Congresso Europeu das Áreas Comunitárias, 7 de Outubro de 2018, Miranda do Corvo.

Skulska, I., Colaço, M.C., Aggarwal, D. Habimana, S., Monteiro, L.M., Rego, F.C., 2018, Assessment of Portuguese community based forestry and tenure in accordance with the FAO guidelines. In: IUFRO 3.08.00 Small-scale Forestry Conference - Community forestry, cooperation, social engagement, and non-professional forest groups, 11–13 June 2018, Vaasa, Finland. 

Skulska, I., Colaço, M.C., Rego, F.C., 2018, Baldios: como aumentar a sustentabilidade da gestão florestal comunitária em Portugal. III Congresso Internacional “Educação, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento” (III CIEAD). 7 e 10 de novembro, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Leiria. (Oral presentation)

Skulska, I., Colaço, M.C., Rego, F.C., 2018, Baldios: como tornar a gestão comunitária como mais sustentável na gestão das suas áreas florestais. III Congresso Internacional de Educação, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, 7-10 novembro de 2018, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.

Skulska, I., Duarte, P. Gomes, I., Rego, F.C., Montiel-Molina, C., 2018, Relationship between wildfire trends, property types and protection regimes in Portugal forest areas. In: IUFRO 3.08.00 Small-scale Forestry Conference- Transformations Towards a New Era in Small Scale Forestry, 11–13 June 2018, Vaasa, Finland. 

Skulska, I., Colaço, M.C., Aggarwal, S., Monteiro, L.M., Rego, F.C., 2017, Avaliação da posse e da gestão comunitária de áreas florestais de acordo com as orientações voluntárias de FAO. 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 11-14 Outubro, Viana do Castelo, Portugal. (Comunicação oral).

Rego, F.C., Skulska, I., 2016, Perspectivas para o futuro das florestas comunitárias: um novo Regime Florestal?. Seminário Floresta e Baldios: Perspectivas de Futuro. Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, 5 Novembro, Coimbra. (Comunicação oral).

Serra, R., Ferreira, P., Skulska, I., Vargas, M., Salgado, A., Nunes, J.A., Barrios, R.G., 2016, Education for Sustainability in the Context of Community Forestry. In: Castro, P., Azeiteiro, U.M., Bacelar-Nicolau, P., Leal Filho, W., Azul, A.M. (Eds.), Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), World Sustainability Series, pp. 169-185. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 9783319323176.

(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-32318-3)

Skulska, I., Rego, F.C., Montiel-Molina, C., 2016, Global changes and the government and management of community forests in southwestern Europe. IUFRO International Conference 2016 – Between Tradition and Increasing Challenges: Future Development of Small-Scale and Community Forestry in Times of Global Change. 26-30 September, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. (Oral presentation).

Faria, S.R., Skulska, I., Varela, M.E., Martins, M., Esteves, V.I., Keizer, J.J., 2014, Organic carbon exports by overland flow from recently burnt eucalypt stands, north-central Portugal. FLAMMA 5 (1): 56-59.[Download]

Skulska, I., Salgueiro, A., Loureiro, C., 2014, Reducing the risk of fire and increasing the sustainability and economic profitability of the forest sector with prescribed burning. La edición electrónica del libro con las comunicaciones del XCIER. Meeting Palencia 10/2014.

Martins, M.A., Serpa, D., Machado, I., Lenne, R., Faria, S.R., Ferreira, R., Skulska, I., Prats, S.A., Varela, M., Keizer, J.J., 2013, Effects of terrace construction on runoff and erosion in a recently burnt forest area in north-central Portugal. FLAMMA 4(2): 81-84. [Download]

Faria, S.R., Skulska, I., Varela, M., Pinto, R., Caria, M., Prats, S.A., Esteves, V., Keizer, J.J, 2012, In-organic carbon exports by overland flow from recently burnt eucalypt stands, north-central Portugal. Proceedings of FUEGORED2012 Int. Meeting, Tenerife, 25-27/10/2012, pp.4.

Skulska, I., Mychayliv, O., 2012, Iberian Peninsula´s fire origin investigation. Revista de Biblioteconomia. The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. pp.42-51.ISSN: 0130-9080.

EDUFIRE TOOLKIT: Educational Project on wildfires  prevention and management

Funding: EU Erasmus + Programme

Reference: ERASMUS + - 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000029947

VALUE2PREVENT: Added value of forest biomass as a tool in fire risk management

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Period: January 2021 to February 2025. Reference: PCIF/GVB/0057/2019

CorkinARCH: Cork facades: performance, environmental quality and public perception

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Period: September 2021 to September 2023. Reference: SIZA/ETM/0050/2019 

SAFER-LANDS: Safer community lands by unlocking collaborative wildfire risk management and improving the legal framework

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Period: January 2022 to January 2025. Reference: PTDC/GES-AMB/0713/2021

FIRE-RES: Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe.

Funding: Horizon 2020. Period: December 2021 to December 2025. Reference: H2020-LC-GD-2020-3-101037419

Acacia4FirePrev: Acacia biomass exploitation: a tool to reduce wildfires risk in unmanaged forestlands

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Period: January 2020 to December 2022. Reference: PCIF/GVB/0145/2018

RECIPE: Reinforcing civil protection capabilities into multi-hazard risk assessment under climate change

Financing: EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Period: Janeiro 2020 to November 2021. Reference: RECIPE ID 874402 – UCPM-2019-PP-AG

Previous projects:

• FIREglobulus - Utilização de fogo controlado em eucaliptal. QREN - Projetos de I&DT empresas em co-promoção. Projecto 2011/21555.

• SCRAM - Crises, gestão de risco e novos arranjos sócio-ecológicos para florestas: uma perspectiva dos estudos sobre ciência e tecnologia. PTDC/CS-ECS/102041/2008.

• FIRECNUTS - Efeitos de fogos florestais na quantidade e dinâmica de carbono e nutrientes no solo e na sua exportação por escorrência superficial. PTDC/AGR-CFL/104559/2008.



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