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COORDINATION: Francisco Castro Rego (CEABN InBIO).

CEABN TEAM: Ernesto Deus, Francisco Castro Rego (Coord.), Hugo Matias, Inês Duarte, Iryna Skulska e Marta Rocha.

OTHER INSTITUTIONS: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) and Institute of Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF).

On June 9, 2015 was signed a Protocol between the APA, the ICNF and ISA, with a propose to produce and provide the basic information to APA to the estimate of emissions and sinks in the LULUCF sector under the National Emissions Inventory by sources and removals by sinks of air pollutants (INERPA) and in the conditions required for Portuguese state reporting purposes as part of obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The ISA (CEABN InBIO) has, among its research projects, in particular the Fireland project, collecting, digitizing and reprocessing cartographic information on paper for the national forest inventory from 1974 and that this information may be supplemented with other sources of the same historical period with a view to rebuild and complete historical series used for emission reporting purposes and sinks.