COORDINATION: Departamento Atlântico Regional Europeu do Instituto Florestal Europeu (EFIATLANTIC).
CEABN InBIO TEAM: Francisco Rego and Liliana Bento.
OTHER INSTITUTIONS: 11 partners and 21 associate partners, uniting research institutes, universities, forest related organisations (unions, associations, services) and regional governments and councils from Portugal, Spain and France.
The aim of PLURIFOR is to help with the development of regional and transnational risk management plans for forest areas susceptible to biotic and abiotic hazards.
The project will focus on the abiotic risks: storms, fire, soil degradation and on biotic risks: pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus kuriphilus), eucalyptus weevil (Gonipterus scutellatus), the fungus causing pine pitch canker (Fusarium circinatum) and emerging pests and pathogens.
The main objectives are:
1. Analysis of organisations and tools for risk management;
2. Tools implementation and Writing/Improving risk management plans (RMP);
3. Risk management plans evaluation;
4. Validation and transfer.
The main goal is to incorporate the latest scientific understanding of forests hazards in the south-west of Europe into the civil planning mechanisms for dealing with these hazards and their impacts. It involves a direct transfer of knowledge between partner countries and partner institutions working alongside each other to develop evidence-based and up to date risk management plans.